It goes a long way in helping to understand his aim of crafting a SpyParty multiplayer experience that's on par with timeless competitive games Go and Poker. Hecker's analysis of that SpyParty play, however, is lengthy and insightful. The gameplay is brief, less than two minutes' worth of spy fakeouts and sniper study. "In poker terms, he was dealt a good hand, he turned it into a great hand with consistently excellent play, and he got dealt the perfect card on the river to take him unambiguously over the top," Hecker writes. Hecker goes on to explain how Tytalus' strategy was part careful observation, devious planning, patience and a little bit of luck. As the spy, you’ll have to do things such as swapping out a statue, seducing a target, or contacting a double agent by loudly shouting banana bread. Framing somebody is a step beyond that, where the Spy spends precious time doing certain actions in a certain way to try to implicate another partygoer, to 'help' the Sniper shoot the wrong person." SpyParty starts players off by laying out four goals that the spy must accomplish and as the sniper it’s your job to put a permanent stop to their shenanigans. "This is quite distinct from the Sniper choosing to shoot the wrong person even though you were trying to complete your missions that happens all the time, even in elite games. "One of the advanced ways to play SpyParty as the Spy is to try to 'frame' an NPC, and get him or her shot by the Sniper," Hecker writes. On the official SpyParty website, Hecker offers gameplay video from both sides, with player Nolan as the sniper trying to root out the identity of Tytalus' spy, and Tytalus setting up a computer controlled partygoer to take the bullet meant for him. Chris Hecker, creator of spy-versus-sniper game of wits SpyParty, has written an analysis of what he considers to be a perfect play of his still-in-beta video game, carefully dissecting the one-shot, one-kill frame job designed by player Tytalus.